THE BADBOY INSTITUTE ==================== A public OmniOS box administrated by ~skye in chicago, il. WHO * ~Shelby * ~arcade * ~barrow * ~deluna * ~edison * ~izzy * ~kognise * ~piplup * ~roylatgnail * ~shinjan * ~skye * ~slick9000 * ~spicywolf * ~superwhiskers * ~tm85 WHAT * git * cloud * mindustry * autism OTHER * * QUESTIONS How do I get an account? Email me at sbleed proton me. Why don't you have SSL? I'll get SSL when you buy me a certificate. Why do you use Solaris? None of your business. SYSTEM uname -a: SunOS rosa 5.11 omnios-r151052-dbe4644ba92 i86pc i386 i86pc uptime: 01:13:51 up 31 day(s), 9:02, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 users: 15 online: 1 page source