Factory Fire is a group of young artists who are invested in social justice. We strive to highlight art that is influential in the social justice movement, using music and other art to make these discussions more accessible to people. Our goal is to create an impact in the social justice community in a way that everyone can understand and enjoy.
Welcome to Factory Fire! We are passionate zine authors who have a love for art and social justice. We know from first hand experience that all forms of art can help people with mental health and even social justice issues. Art has allowed people to start movements for the better, and allowed those going through tough times to either relate to the artist, or just feel better about themselves. We have worked hard to build up an informative zine that highlights the issues of social justice today, and what a huge influence art has on the social justice community. While exploring our website, make sure to be on the lookout for our paper zine that’ll be out by the December holidays!