
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that is best thought of as a series of maladaptive coping mechanisms as a result of trauma, much like other disorders like PTSD, DID, etc. It's characterized primarily by an intense fear of abandonment, with the other symptoms of a disorder functioning to either cope with feeling abandoned or to attempt to maladaptively prevent abandonment.
BPD has 9 diagnostic criteria:
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or perceived abandonment. 2. A pattern of intense and unstable relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. 3. A distorted sense of self and an unstable self-image. 4. Impulsive and dangerous behavior, such as spending sprees, unsafe sex, substance abuse, and eating disorders. 5. Self-harming and suicidal behavior or threats. 6. Intense mood swings. 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness, leading to behaviors to fill that void. 8. Inappropriate, intense anger, or difficulty controlling anger. 9. Stress induced transient episodes of dissociation, paranoia, and/or hallucinations.
Not every person with BPD exhibits all 9 criteria, but I do to some extent.
BPD may lead to behavior that you don't understand, as it impacts my ability to properly parse reality. I tend to think mostly in black and white, seeing other people and myself as either only good or only bad, but rarely both at once. This leads to a pattern of "idealization and devaluation", where I oscillate between sudden obsession and sudden disinterest. BPD also makes me very sensitive to rejection, so much so that I may interpret things wrong and think I'm being rejected or abandoned even if I'm not. Because BPD also makes my emotions extremely intense, I engage in a lot of impulsive behavior as a result of feelings that I have in the moment, which can be confusing or scary to other people.
In general, this is something I have to work on myself, and it isn't your responsibility to coddle me. I only write this in hopes of helping you understand why I behave the way I do in case something happens in the future. I'm on mood-stabilizing medication and I'm in therapy to get help with all this stuff, so hopefully it shouldn't affect us too much, I just figured you've ought to be aware.

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